Without knowing inner voice of the soul, our birth is incomplete and this can be felt. If we chant the name of the God and turn our vision, we will have certain targets, which will make us become pure and free from sins. By doing this only, a person attains the highest God's salvation. This happened in Jala Bapa's life.
God, himself appeared in the form of a saint and begged for Virbai from Jala Bapa in form of alms. He asked for the most unusual thing and Virbai was given to the saint by Jala Bapa, to carry out the daily chores. By offering this, the saint in return gave Virbai "Jholi" and "Dand", which is even present as of today.
This once again concludes that any prayer or deeds done with whole-heartedness is always beneficial. So let us join Bapa and achieve this also, at earliest opportunity.

The most praised relationship is that of a Teacher and a student. The student has to serve the Teacher with lots of devotion which is a very important task. In turn the teacher has to help the student to free himself from this materialistic world and further protect him also from all evil.
Near Amreli, there is a town called Fatehpur, a place where Bapa's Guru viz. Bhojalram resided. Bapa used to frequently visit him. He used to walk his way to and fro to Fatehpur in order to have his desired blessings.
When two saints meet, they discuss a lot in common and would not realise how time has lapsed, without feeling tired and sleepy. This is a true love for each other.

In Rajkot, there were two sisters by the name Ranbai and Rulbai, who used to carry out the noble work of serving the saints. This noble work by the sisters had come to the knowledge of Bapa, who decided to pay a visit to these two sisters.
At the same time, "Lala Bhagat", from Saila town had also come. Both were welcomed by the sisters and all of them chanted religious songs (Bhajans).
In the morning both sisters took the cows to the fields to graze and had intended to come back early, in order to grind the cereals. Bapa realised this and in turn decided that he would assist the two sisters in grinding the cereals, since both would be tired after the day's hard work.
Jala Bapa-chanting God's name completed the grinding work and when the sisters returned and noticed this, they fell at Bapa's feet, saying that only a highly respected saint can do this work, without any pride. This shows that for a saint, any work can be done without any financial gains in the mind.
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